- 08/09/2021
Third general assembly meeting (virtual)
8 september 2021, nanoLace held its third general assembly meeting. The meeting was virtual due to travel restrictions. A picture of the participants can be found below.
- 10/03/2021
Upcoming: Third General Assembly Meeting
NanoLace third general assembly meeting will be held as a virtual meeting 8 september 2021
- 09/03/2021
NanoLace at Innovation Norway Launch of Horizon Norway
Project Coordinator Bodil Holst presented Nanolace at the Innovation Norway Launch of the Horizon Europe – Pillar III Innovation Europe, which took place as a virtual event on the 9.march 9.00-11.00, with participation of the Norwegian ministers for research and higher education Henrik Aasheim and the minister of Trade and Industry Iselin Nybø https://www.innovasjonnorge.no/no/tjenester/arrangementer/kick-off-for-horisont-europas-innovasjonspilar/
- 09/02/2021
Second General Assembly Meeting
The nanoLace second general assembly meeting was held 9 February, 2021. First prototype mask feasibility demonstration, 25 nm holes, 50 nm pitch. Courtesy of partner TRINITY
- 01/01/2021
Nanolace in Norwegian SciTech News
The future’s fastest tech gadgets may get Norwegian help
- 15/09/2020
Virtual General Assembly Meeting
15th of september Nanolace held its first general assembly meeting. A picture of the participants can be found below.